Transfer fare calculator

Travelling across the region? Find out how much your trip costs!

Free transfer eligibility

Do you qualify for a free transfer between agencies? Find out below.

Note: you must use your Breeze Card to receive a free transfer.

I'm transferring from: to:

Choose two providers from the select boxes to the left to see transfer information.

Basic fare prices

A single ride on any transit system can be taken with the following fares:

Atlanta Streetcar

Fare product Cost

Cherokee Area Transit System

Fare product Cost


Fare product Cost

Gwinnett County Transit

Fare product Cost
Zone 1$3.75
Zone 2$5.00


Fare product Cost
Green Zone$3.00
Blue Zone$4.00

Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

Fare product Cost

Learn more about discounts and passes available online »

Estimated savings over driving

Taking transit can keep quite a bit of cash in your pocket. The American Public Transit Association (APTA) reports that:

Individuals who ride public transportation instead of driving can save, on average, more than $791 per month.

Learn more about how taking transit can save you money »